Compiled with scilab built from source files.
Compiled with scilab built from source files.

compiled with scilab built from source files.

  • adep: libblas-dev Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 3, static library.
  • adep: procps /proc file system utilities.
  • adep: pkg-config manage compile and link flags for libraries.
  • adep: libreadline-dev GNU readline and history libraries, development files.
  • adep: gettext GNU Internationalization utilities.
  • adep: libcurl4-openssl-dev development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL flavour).
  • adep: libpcre3-dev Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - development files.
  • adep: libxml2-dev Development files for the GNOME XML library.
  • adep: tk8.5-dev Tk toolkit for Tcl and X11, v8.5 - development files.
  • adep: tcl8.5-dev Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.5 - development files.
  • adep: fakeroot tool for simulating superuser privileges.
  • ML implementation with a class-based object system (no X)
  • adep: chrpath Tool to edit the rpath in ELF binaries.
  • adep: default-jdk Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit.
  • adep: cdbs common build system for Debian packages.
  • adep: automake Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles.
  • adep: autoconf automatic configure script builder.
  • Compiled with scilab built from source files. software#

    The following binary packages are built from this source package: scilab Scientific software package for numerical computations scilab-cli Scientific software package - Command Line Interpreter scilab-data Scientific software package for numerical computations (data files) scilab-doc Scientific software package (english documentations) scilab-doc-fr Scientific software package (french documentation) scilab-doc-ja Scientific software package (Japanese documentation) scilab-doc-pt-br Scientific software package (Brazilian Portuguese documentation) scilab-full-bin Scientific software package for numerical computations (all binary files) scilab-full-bin-dbg Scientific software package (scilab debugging symbols) scilab-include Scientific software package for numerical computations (include files) scilab-minimal-bin Scientific software package for numerical computations (minimal binary files) scilab-minimal-bin-dbg Scientific software package (scilab-cli debugging symbols) scilab-test Scientific software package for numerical computations (test files)

    Compiled with scilab built from source files.